The performance of grades three and four single and multi-grade classes in the District Achievement Test, schools district of Inabanga South, Inabanga, Bohol : A proposed concerted program of improvement measures.
Basilan, Adolfa M.
The performance of grades three and four single and multi-grade classes in the District Achievement Test, schools district of Inabanga South, Inabanga, Bohol : A proposed concerted program of improvement measures. - 85 leaves Thesis (Master of Arts In Elementary Educational) Date of Oral Defense: Sept. 08, 2001 Date of Oral Defense: Sept. 08, 2001 University of Bohol 28cm.
Bernardita C. Cortes (Adviser)
District Achievement Test (DAT).
Documentary analysis.
T B292 2001
The performance of grades three and four single and multi-grade classes in the District Achievement Test, schools district of Inabanga South, Inabanga, Bohol : A proposed concerted program of improvement measures. - 85 leaves Thesis (Master of Arts In Elementary Educational) Date of Oral Defense: Sept. 08, 2001 Date of Oral Defense: Sept. 08, 2001 University of Bohol 28cm.
Bernardita C. Cortes (Adviser)
District Achievement Test (DAT).
Documentary analysis.
T B292 2001