General Rules

General Rules on Library Use

The following rules must be strictly observed to maintain an atmosphere of research, study, and reflection in the library:

All teachers and students must swipe their RFID card upon entering the library.

All users are to observe silence always.

Eating, sleeping, smoking, boisterous laughter, and phone conversation are allowed only outside the library.

Library users are expected to contribute to the continued cleanliness and neatness of the facility. Chairs must be pushed back slowly against the table before leaving the library.

Books, periodicals and newspapers remain on the reading table after use as library assistants will do the shelving of such materials to avoid misplacement.

Utmost care in the use of books and other library materials is expected from all users.

Stealing, mutilating pages of books and other forms of vandalism are serious offenses and must be dealt with administratively.

All library users must submit for inspection at the exit door before leaving the library.


The University of Bohol was originally named Rafael Palma College after the greatest scholar of his time, the late Dr. Rafael Palma. Its history is an account of how a group of public and civic spirited citizens of the province of Bohol ventured to establish an educational institution in answer to a long felt need of college education to those who could not afford to study outside the province.