Pastoral preparation and management practices of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Bohol Conference Incorporated.
Lungay, George A.
Pastoral preparation and management practices of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Bohol Conference Incorporated. - [-] Dissertation (Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management) Date of oral defense: January 17, 2020 28 cm.
Includes Biblio. references
Qualitative research.
Jerome M. Magallen (Adviser)
Quantitative research.
D L972 2020
Pastoral preparation and management practices of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Bohol Conference Incorporated. - [-] Dissertation (Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management) Date of oral defense: January 17, 2020 28 cm.
Includes Biblio. references
Qualitative research.
Jerome M. Magallen (Adviser)
Quantitative research.
D L972 2020