Teachers' perceptions on the effectiveness of vocational training program for students with hearing impairment in Cebu City Schools.
Nardo, Mario
Teachers' perceptions on the effectiveness of vocational training program for students with hearing impairment in Cebu City Schools. - vi, 120 leaves Dissertation (Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management) Date of Oral Defense: Jan. 10, 2016
Quantitative Method of Research.
Special education--Vocational guidance.
Glenn R. Andrin (Adviser)
D N223 2016
Teachers' perceptions on the effectiveness of vocational training program for students with hearing impairment in Cebu City Schools. - vi, 120 leaves Dissertation (Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management) Date of Oral Defense: Jan. 10, 2016
Quantitative Method of Research.
Special education--Vocational guidance.
Glenn R. Andrin (Adviser)
D N223 2016