The effectiveness of computer-aided instruction in the teaching of body systems among grade five pupils.
Tangag, Marvilla C.
The effectiveness of computer-aided instruction in the teaching of body systems among grade five pupils. - 62 leaves Thesis (Master of Arts in Elementary Educational Management) Date of Oral Defense: Jan. 10, 2016 University of Bohol 28 cm.
Quasi-experimental design.
Computer-assisted instruction.
Glenn R. Andrin (Adviser)
T T164 2016
The effectiveness of computer-aided instruction in the teaching of body systems among grade five pupils. - 62 leaves Thesis (Master of Arts in Elementary Educational Management) Date of Oral Defense: Jan. 10, 2016 University of Bohol 28 cm.
Quasi-experimental design.
Computer-assisted instruction.
Glenn R. Andrin (Adviser)
T T164 2016